Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Week One: Getting To Know...

Well week one is only half way through, and I'm stuffed! This is just a brief note since I have planning to do for tomorrow between now and when my head hits the pillow (in roughly 59 minutes!).

I have three year seven classes, and so far they all seem like really nice kids. I have the obligatory handful that will be a challenge - just some low-level behaviour to keep an eye on - and some kids that will need some special attention from me, but thus far I'm pretty happy with my bunch.

I wrote a letter to the students before the first week and asked them to write me a letter on the other side, introducing themselves, their interests and so on. I told the kids it was to get to know them - and it was - but it was also for assessment purposes as well. It made for really lovely reading on my first night, and I'm looking forward to pulling the letters out again later in the year to see how their writing has changed.

Other than that I am just run off my feet, trying to get the hang of the level of organisation I need to keep on top of things, and looking forward to a sleep on the weekend. Will write again soon!


  1. The letter writing is a really interesting idea. Out of curiosity, what was the "success" rate? Did you manage to get a letter from all the kids and did they all take it seriously?
    I was harking back to the 3-minute writing task I set my Year 7 on Prac with the kid who wouldn't write at all and the kid who just wrote rude words.

  2. 100% success rate! I got them to do it in class, and they all took it reasonably seriously. I guess being their first day of high school, they were on their best behaviour :-)

  3. Awesome!!! Here's to continuing success.

  4. Good to hear it had a high success rate and reasonable content! So, where's the weekly roundup?
