Sunday, February 28, 2010

Research Journal 1: The Digital Divide

I've just started researching the "Digital Divide" and only 15 minutes in I'm already learning things... My conception of the digital divide was rather simplified I'm afraid. I thought it referred primarily to the disparity in ICT access between socio-economic groups, whereas the document I'm reading at the moment (Blanchard, Metcalfe and Burns)* seems to conceptualise the divide as relating to disenfranchised groups as diverse as homosexual and bisexual youths, Indigenous and youths from ethnic minorities, youths who are carers, youths with disabilities and so on.

Looks like I'll have to broaden my scope on reflecting on this issue - it obviously spans a much greater proportion of the young population than I thought. But I'm concerned that this document, coming from a youth organisation whose aim is reducing youth suicide rates, may be more concerned with using ICT to 'reach out' to depressed young people, than using it in a more education-minded sense, which is what I'm more interested in.

* Blanchard, Metcalf and Burns. 2007. Bridging the Digital Divide: Creating opportunities for marginalised young people to get connected. Available at Accessed 28th February 2010.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Why Web 2.0?

As a long-time user of the internet I've come to realise that my interaction with the World Wide Web has been limited to a superficial level. I research, I read, I Google... but I don't publish. Until now. So looking towards the future, I'm out to improve and deepen my use of Web 2.0. With some practice, I expect to soon be:
- regularly blogging
- regularly utilising web materials such as blogs, wikis and nings for teaching research
- feeling confident about integrating online learning in my classes
- being able to envisage ways to enrich my students’ learning experiences with ICT
- approaching the internet with an appreciation for, and proviciency in, Web 2.0 tools (which I had never heard of three short weeks ago!)

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Here Goes Nothing...

The journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step...
And so begins my journey into the blogosphere!

I hope for this blog to become a stimulating and entertaining collection not just of my adventures in the classroom, but of my research and thoughts on all aspects of the education sphere.